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書評「日本でコミュニケーションする為の七つの鍵」Book review: The 7 Keys to Communicating in Japan: An Intercultural Approach

執筆者の写真: Ko UnokiKo Unoki


Haru Yamada, Orlando R. Kelm, David A. Victor

Georgetown University Press, 2017

Several years ago I was asked by the author, Professor Haru Yamada to contribute to a part of a chapter of her book, The 7 Keys to Communicating in Japan: An Intercultural Approach, which was published in 2017. The book depicts the ways of communicating in Japan and gives an in-depth analysis with an intellectual perspective. The following is my review/description of the book.


The authors of this book (Haru Yamada, Orlando R. Kelm, David A. Victor) who are experienced cross-cultural instructors for businesspeople, provide a practical set of guidelines for those unfamiliar with Japan in developing an understanding of the Japanese people and their culture. Each chapter presents strategies to overcoming cultural barriers and demonstrates the various ways of evaluating the differences between Japan and North America so as to avoid misunderstandings arising out of common errors of communication.

For one case study presented in this book on communication between a Japanese and an American company in the age of the Internet (Chapter 8 Case Study Getting Down to Earth with Cloud Computing), I have been invited by the authors to present in this book my take on what may help in strengthening the independent variables of mutual understanding and trust which are critical in developing and maintaining the dependent variable of an international business alliance between a Japanese and an American company. I highly recommend this book as an easy-to-read important and helpful guide for those who are or will be working with the Japanese and Japanese organizations.



本書で紹介されている、インターネット時代における日本企業と米国企業のコミュニケーションに関するケーススタディ(第8章 ケーススタディ クラウドコンピューティングを使いこなす)の中で、私は著者から招待を受け、日本企業と米国企業の国際ビジネス提携という従属変数の発展・維持に相互理解と信頼という独立変数の強化の重要性を本書で説明しています。本書は、日本人や日本の組織と仕事をしている人、あるいはこれから仕事をする人にとって、読みやすい、多いに参考になるガイドブックとしてお勧めします。





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