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機能しない日本の英語教育と思想統制 Ineffective English education as thought control

執筆者の写真: Ko UnokiKo Unoki


Japan Times

Reader Mail

May 22, 2020

In his May 16 article “Bad English in Japan: A conspiracy theory,” Glenn Newman offers the theory that behind the failure of the Japanese English language education system in churning out competent English speakers is a conspiracy on the part of the power holders in Japan to deliberately design an English education program that doesn’t work as to prevent mass emigration and a brain drain of young ambitious people looking for greener fields abroad. While there may be some truth to this, I propose another theory which has more to do with ensuring control over thoughts and behavior rather than preventing a brain drain.

Competency in another language, whether it be in English or some other tongue, opens up the possibility of developing different perspectives and modes of thinking as well as coming across information that may be unavailable in translation. Such possibilities may lead to a proliferation of different views and values held by a people, perhaps too much from the point of view of those in power who want to control the hearts and minds of the people by keeping them ignorant and docile.

The philosopher Confucius once said, “The people are not required to understand what they are told.” For the power holders of Japan, having an ineffective English-language education system would certainly help in this regard.

Ko Unoki

Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture




グレン・ニューマンが5月16日に発表した記事「Bad English in Japan: A Conspiracy Theory」では、日本の英語教育システムが有能な英語話者を輩出できない背景には、日本の権力者の陰謀があり、大量の移民や海外により良い環境を求める若い野心家の頭脳流出を防ぐために、意図的に機能しない英語教育プログラムをデザインしているという説を提唱している。この説には真実があるかもしれないが、私は、頭脳流出を防ぐというよりも、むしろ思考や行動を確実に統制することに関連する別の説を提案する。


孔子は論語に、「よらしむべし、知らしむべからず 」と述べている。日本の権力者にとって、機能しない英語教育システムが普及することは、孔子が主張した点を実現する為に有効だろう。





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