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共産主義と資本主義の罪 Sins of communism and capitalism

執筆者の写真: Ko UnokiKo Unoki



September 20, 2022

In emphasizing the egregiousness of communism, scholar Ian Easton in his commentary “Xi Jinping and China’s endgame for America” (September 16) cites a book in which it is stated that Marx-inspired regimes caused approximately 100 million deaths in the 20th century with more than half of them occurring in China.

While it is not my intent to deny or to quibble about the accuracy of such a sweeping statement, a sense of perspective may be needed. Various regimes, for the ostensibly stated cause of achieving a utopian communist society, did indeed murder many innocent people. On the other hand, it should also be kept in mind that since the industrial revolution, the Western system of capitalism, in its pursuit for profits, resources, and monopoly markets, had been the driver behind the slavery of Africans, the genocide of indigenous peoples such as the Tasmanians, Herero, Nama, and numerous native American tribes, the butchery of colonial subjects, imperialism, and racism, all of which the repercussions are still seen today in the many unequal relationships between the former colonial powers and their imperial subjects that gained independence.

A case in point is the aftermath of the British Empire which was built by the billions of hours of labor provided by enslaved Africans and on the backs of conquered, mostly non-white colonial subjects who were forced to work on British plantations. If the British were truly committed to justice and honestly paid reparations for all of its past sins of slavery, economic exploitation, looting, and, according to British scholar Jason Hickel, for the 60 million people sacrificed to famine caused by British colonial policies, Britain would most likely become a bankrupt nation.

The sins of regimes committed in the name of communism should not be forgotten. But before casting the first stone and sermonizing on the evils of communism and pontificating on any claim of superiority over other social and economic systems or culture, a serious reckoning needs to take place in the capitalist West for its past behavior.

Ko Unoki

Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture

学者イアン・イーストン氏は、記事「習近平と中国のアメリカに対する終末論」(ジャパン・タイムズ 9月16日付)の中で、共産主義の悪質さを強調するために、マルクス主義の影響を受けた政権が20世紀に約1億人の死者を出し、そのうち半分以上が中国で発生したとする書物を引用している。

このような記述を否定したり、その正確さについてとやかく言ったりするつもりはないが、共産主義政権の悪性に関し論ずる際にバランスのとれた視点は必要だろう。共産主義社会の実現という表向きの目的のために、様々な政権によって罪のない多くの命が奪われたことは事実である。一方、産業革命以降、西側諸国で誕生した資本主義は、利益、資源、市場の独占を追求するあまり、アフリカ人の奴隷化、タスマニア人、ヘレロ族、ナマ族、アメリカ先住民部族などの先住民の大量虐殺を推進してきた原動力であったことも忘れてはならない。その影響は、今日でも、旧植民地列強国とその独立された旧植民地臣民との間の多くの  不平等な関係の中に見られる。







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