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  • Writer's pictureKo Unoki

Apologies & Rejoinders

The Asian Wall Street Journal

March 16, 2001

Francis Fukuyama missed the point in his article, “A Sorry Situation” (editorial page, March 1). Curiously, he neglected to mention the wave of crimes committed by U.S. servicemen stationed in Japan that include indecent acts against schoolgirls, theft, and arson. Japanese still remember the brutal gang rape of a 12-year-old Japanese schoolgirl committed by U.S. servicemen a few years back. And we won’t forget the words of Lt. Gen. Earl Haliston, who recently called Japanese officials “nuts” and “a bunch of wimps.”

The U.S. apologizes for these incidents, yet they keep happening. The sinking of the Ehime Maru, although an accident, is the straw that broke the camel’s back. The Japanese are beginning to harbor doubts about the sincerity of oft-repeated American apologies.

Ko Unoki

Senior Fellow

The 21st Century Public Policy Institute


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